Sonya / Sasha Sargeant Hitchner has two official names.

Sasha is her known-as name, but she was born Sonya Merle DeKlerk, adopted and became Sonya Merle Erkens, which changed to Robson when she married the first engineer. Then she married an engineer again and became Sargeant. She married her last engineer and became Hitchner. Since she has children born Sargeant, she keeps this name as an add-on. She lives with her housemate, Henry, in peace.

She writes.. She knits and is a bit of an artist.

She is autistic. She can’t tell when others are being serious or joking. She doesn’t get most jokes. She, herself, is not funny.

She’s a hermit. She goes out, but only when it’s imperative.


Last, but not least, she is a Christian. She hopes to reach someone, one day, and make them want to pursue a life with God, as opposed to without God. She has done both. With God is better.

“We are for the Light and the Light is for us!” A proclamation per Derek Prince.